Thanks to Moms Meet and Xlear, my family has been enjoying Spry dental hygiene products and I have been using Xlear Nasal Spray. Opinions expressed in this review are that of my own.
Have you ever been interested in the benefits of using products made with Xylitol? Well this natural sweetener has been found to help improve oral health through the effects it has on bacteria.
Pure xylitol is a white crystalline substance that looks and tastes like sugar. It’s not an artificial sweetener, but an all-natural sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables and produced in small amounts by the human body. Xylitol has been researched for over 40 years, resulting in thousands of studies confirming its effectiveness and safety. Source Xlear

As for the Nasal Spray, again I had a different experience versus the typical saline solution. This was actually pretty pleasurable and I definitely prefer the sweetness of Xlear. Plus, it is effective and leaves my nose hydrated. I had a sneezing attack this week, and the Nasal Spray helped ease the irritation afterward.
Want to save on an Xlear package similar to the one that I received? Right now you can take advantage of a Xlear Care Kit Special and grab a package for $25 dollars. This is a 62% off savings and the offer expires on 6/30/15.
To learn more about Xlear and its many benefits visit
Carlee @ LAAF