Tips to Deodorizing a Mattress!


Spring is already in the air and it is time to get to cleaning and doing household chores like Deodorizing a Mattress. Thanks to Renuzit, I was sent samples of the Renuzit Sensitive Scents line to review and set them into action in my home, opinions expressed are that of my own.

Tips to Deodorizing a Mattress - Learning As A Family

I immediately put all these Scented products to work in my home, including an Adjustable cone, a Scented Oil with Warmer, and a Super Odor Neutralizer Spray.

Plus, one of these items became very helpful in Deodorizing a Mattress.

Renuzit Sensitive Scents Adjustable Cones

This new line of deodorizing scents was designed to perform without overpowering making it great for everyone in a household including those sensitive noses.

I first placed a Pure Water Blossom & Cucumber Cone in my boys room near the bathroom. Between smelly gym shoes, dirty clothes, and the toilet are, this is a welcomed addition to their side of the house, and it can be adjusted up and down to release the scent.

Renuzit Sensitive Scents Scented Oil

Next up was the Scented Oil with Warmer in the Pure Ocean Breeze Scent. I placed this in the back of my home and it has diffused all the way up to my front door.

Let me just say that it is a pleasure walking in the house and being greeted by this scent. Pure Ocean Breeze is also available in an adjustable cone.

Renuzit Sensitive Scents Trigger Spray

Finally it was onto the Pure White Pear & Lavender Super Odor Neutralizer Spray. This is probably my favorite scent of the three and a really effective product. Pure White Pear & Lavender is also available in an adjustable cone and Scented Oil.

I not only sprayed it in the room, but I used it to deodorize my couch as well as freshened up the mattresses in my home (especially after a little one had an accident). Read on below for the details:

Tips on Deodorizing a Mattress

Tips to Deodorizing a Mattress:

1st Step, remove sheets and mattress covers.

2nd Step, cover the top of the mattress with Baking Soda and allow this to sit for a couple hours. I also made sure to pat it down.

3rd Step, Vacuum up the Baking Soda completely.

4th Step, Spray with an Odor Neutralizer Spray and allow it to dry.

5th, remake the bed and enjoy a fresher smelling mattress.

Renuzit Sensitive Scents Line of Products

Do you have a sensitive nose when it comes to fragrances? Which area of your home could benefit from an Air Freshener or Deodorizing?

To learn more about this line of Air Freshener Products, visit Renuzit Sensitive Scents. You can also check out the brand on Facebook at

Carlee @ LAAF

Giveaway Details

And thanks to Renuzit, I have been authorized to give away One Renuzit Sensitive Scents (via a $5.00 Value Coupon) to Two (2) lucky Learning As A Family readers.*

To enter, please allow a moment for the Rafflecopter Form to load below.

* Participates must be 18 years or older to participate and live in the United States. Odds are based on the number of entries, and by participating, you agree to these terms and the laws set forth by your individual state. Entries will only be accepted through the Rafflecopter Form, and Learning As A Family is not responsible for disruption of the page or service which could cause problems with entering. The winner will be contacted through email (make sure you check your spam or junk mail) with the Subject line “Renuzit Sensitive Scents Winner”. Shipping information, including email, phone, and address will be collected at that time. The winner has 48 hours to respond, after that an alternate will be chosen, and so on and so forth. Learning As A Family does not sell personal information. The prize will be fulfilled by the PR Firm. Learning As A Family does not share information with 3rd parties unless specifically expressed in a specific promotion or giveaway. This giveaway is not associated, nor sponsored by Facebook.


  1. Julia Barnes says
    I have a sensitive nose. I would put an air freshener in our bathroom though.
  2. I don't have a sensitive nose at all. Unfortunately, this means that it is sometimes hard to smell nice fragrances. I still like them, though! I would put this either in my bedroom or the bathroom.
  3. If anything, I become too accustomed to smells and do not realize they are there. Our basement is the room most in need, but because I do not spend large amounts of time there, I do smell the musty odor.
  4. I do not have a sensitive nose. I would use this in the bathroom.
  5. Jessica To says
    We could use this in our family room. I am sensitive to certain smells.
  6. Brittney House says
    I would love the bathroom to smell better. I wouldn't say I have a sensitive nose.
  7. brandy c says
    Yes, and probably my bedroom could benefit the most.
  8. My living room could benefit most from an Air Freshener. It's where the dog spends most of her day...and the couch stinks from her sleeping on it. Thank you!
  9. Susan Christy says
    The family room, since that's where the dogs hang out most of the time.
  10. janetfaye says
    I don't have a sensitive nose. I could use these in my living room.
  11. Mary Cloud says
    I do have a sensitive nose - I would use these in my bathroom the most
  12. Jennifer Reed says
    I'm not sure if i have a sensitive nose. The area of my home that could benefit the most from an Air Freshener or Deodorizing is my basement areas.
  13. kim keithline says
    I don't have a sensitive nose the more scent the better and I think my kitchen could benefit the most all the odors from cooking and stuff
  14. I don't have a sensitive nose. Our living room could benefit from most from an Air Freshener or Deodorizing.
  15. I don't have that much of a sensitive nose. I do live with pets so this would be perfect in my living room. I would love to try the pear and lavender scent!
  16. Yes, I have a sensitive nose. I could use this in our office .... we all hang out in there a lot including the dogs. I would love the pear and lavender.
  17. Charlene S. says
    Yes, some fragrances really bother me. My kitchen could benefit the most.
  18. I have a sensitive nose, and can barely wear scented body products and perfume because of it. At my house, we need scented fragrance products for our bathrooms the most.
  19. I have a fairly sensitive nose. Our kitchen and bathrooms would benefit most.
  20. I have a sensitive nose, I would use it in the bathroom!
  21. Stephanie Liske says
    I don't have that sensitive of a nose, but my husband does. I would put it high up in the dog room.
  22. I don't like scents too strong. My bathroom would be good for air freshener.
  23. I think my daughter's room could use an air freshener because of the pets.
  24. I can pick up a smell pretty well. My baby's room could definitely use this!
  25. Carolyn Daley says
    I am a little sensitive to floral smells. I could love to try the Pure Ocean Breeze in the living room near the cat's litter box.
  26. susan smoaks says
    yes my nose is very sensitive when it comes to fragrances. i like them to be subtle.
  27. amanda whitley says
    i do have a sensitive nose and get headaches from super strong fragrance so i like this a lot. i would benefit most in my bathroom.
  28. Laurie Emerson says
    I have a very sensitive nose when it comes to scents. Our family room would benefit from this the most.

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