Back to School Smoothie Recipes for Busy Weekday Mornings!


A special thank you goes out to CVS for sending Paige’s family these awesome ingredients including CVS Raw Chia Seeds, CVS Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, and CVS Plant Based Protein Smoothie Powders. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor.

Back to School Smoothie Recipes

There’s nothing that gets my family more excited about breakfast than a fresh smoothie. We’ve been known to experiment with fruits and nuts, and sometimes even veggies in the blender. But it’s back to school season now, and our time for smoothie experiments is limited.

Gone are those lazy summer mornings, traded in for alarm clocks, transitions, new faces and friends, and maybe even (but hopefully not!) a few tears in the days ahead. Ever wondered if there are quick, healthy, and easy breakfast solutions for those busy school mornings?

CVS brand Raw Chia Seeds, CVS Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, and CVS Plant Based Protein Smoothie Powders

I’m here to tell you there is! CVS Raw Chia Seeds, CVS Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, and CVS Plant Based Protein Smoothie Powders are smoothie ingredients that offer so many options for tasty and healthy smoothies. Plus, all of these ingredients are Vegan Friendly.

I actually challenged myself this weekend to come up with 3 Back to School Smoothie Recipes for these upcoming busy school mornings. This got me experimenting with different fruits, some oats, almond milk, coconut milk, and all of the ingredients from CVS. Each creation has no added sugars, are Vegan, and I also tried to use fresh fruit in all three.


Blackberry Peach Smoothie

1 cup of almond milk

1 packet of CVS brand Mixed Berry flavored Plant-Based Protein Smoothie powder

1 tablespoon CVS Raw Black Chia Seeds

½ cup peeled and sliced fresh peaches

1 cup frozen blackberries

½ cup ice

In a blender, add almond milk, protein powder, chia seeds, peaches, blackberries, and ice. Blend until smooth (stopping to scrape sides if necessary), and serve cold.


Tropical Green Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened coconut milk

½ cup fresh mango

1 tablespoon CVS Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

1 tablespoon CVS brand Black Chia Seeds

1 ripe banana

1 cup fresh spinach

1 cup ice

In a blender, add coconut milk, mango, coconut oil, chia seeds, banana, spinach, and ice. Blend until smooth (stopping to scrape sides if necessary), and serve cold.


Vanilla Oatmeal Smoothie

1 ½ cup of almond milk

1 cup of whole oats

1 packet of CVS brand Vanilla Flavored Protein Smoothie Powders

1 ripe banana

1 cup of ice.

In a blender add almond milk, oats, protein powder, banana, and ice. Blend until smooth (stopping to scrape sides if necessary), and serve cold.

3 Back to School Smoothies

Do you make smoothies for busy school mornings? What are your favorite ingredients to include?

All three of these smoothies were a wonderful and tasty success. Hopefully you enjoy them as much as my family did!


Paige from Where Latin Meets Lagniappe


You can find Paige over at Where Latin Meets Lagniappe, where she creates and photographs her own healthy and delicious recipe creations.


Giveaway Details!

Thanks to CVS, the site has been authorized to giveaway a Smoothie Prize Pack worth over $25 to one (1) lucky Learning As A Family Reader!

To enter follow the directions via the Rafflecopter form below:

* Participates must be 18 years or older to participate and live in the contiguous United States. Odds are based on the number of entries, and by participating, you agree to these terms and the laws set forth by your individual state. Entries will only be accepted through the Rafflecopter Form, and Learning As A Family is not responsible for disruption of the page or service which could cause problems with entering. The winner will be contacted through email (make sure you check your spam or junk mail) with the Subject line “CVS Smoothie Ingredients Winner”. Shipping information, including email, phone, and address will be collected at that time. The winner has 48 hours to respond, after that an alternate will be chosen, and so on and so forth. Learning As A Family does not sell personal information. The prize will be fulfilled by the PR Firm. Learning As A Family does not share information with 3rd parties unless specifically expressed in a specific promotion or giveaway. This giveaway is not associated, nor sponsored by Facebook.


  1. Julie Wood says
    I love making smoothies for back to school and two of ours that we love are the Banana Ginger Smoothie, and the Orange Dream Creamsicle Smoothie!
  2. Thanks so much for letting me make up these yummy smoothie creations Carlee! So tasty, super healthy, and so easy!!
  3. I love to make smoothies! Bananas are our number 1 ingredient because they make everything smoother and better. We also love spinach in them for a healthy dose!
  4. Joan Kubes says
    I like to make smoothies but usually after school. We like to add bananas and blueberries.
  5. I love smoothies! I always throw in a handful of spinach.
  6. Yes I often have morning smoothies. Sometimes I actually make them the night before! I use fruits, nut butters, honey, stevia, sometimes protein powder.
  7. I have never had a smoothie.
  8. Tari Lawson says
    I don't make smoothies but my husband does. He loves adding fresh fruit like blueberries along with protein powder and some Greek yogurt.
  9. Jessica Beard says
    Yes, we make lots of smoothies. I like fruit smoothies with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas with some Kale.
  10. I make them in the morning and usually have banana and strawberry
  11. I don't, but I want to! I like a good berry smoothie with some spinach thrown in for iron :)
  12. My daughter loves to make smoothies-to-go. She uses whatever we have on hand.... kale, watermelon, blueberries, bananas and strawberries.
  13. Brittney House says
    I make a strawberry banana smoothie most often. I like the before work. It's a quick and easy snack on the go.
  14. I do not make them in the morning, but when I do I use kale, frozen fruits, carrots and bananas.
  15. Yes, we definitely have them before school. We love blueberry.
  16. melissa Resnick says
    i try to my goto flavor is strawberry
  17. Dawn Monroe says
    I make them banana strawberry smoothies sometimes after school.
  18. Danielle Marie says
    i make them all the time! i love banana, date, and cacao smoothies.
  19. I like to make strawberry and banana smoothie
  20. Allison Swain says
    I love smoothies! My go to right now is Spinach and Banana/Mango. Thank you for the awesome giveaway
  21. I love smoothies and make mine with strawberries or sometimes bananas and peanut butter
  22. not for breakfast but for lunch and usually include yogurt and some type of fruit
  23. Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
    I make them occasionally. I love to add watermelon!
  24. We make smoothies a lot while at work. Our fave ingredients are mango, pineapple, and banana. Thanks. partymix25(at)Hotmail(Dot)com
  25. I often make smoothies for myself in the morning. I also make banana smoothies for the kids after school.
  26. Courtnie Miller says
    No I usually don't make smoothies very often.
  27. I do. My favorite ingredients are orange juice, non fat plain yogurt, strawberries, ice and peaches.
  28. I usually like making them during the hot months for a refreshing drink. I like mine with strawberries, bananas and kiwi.
  29. amanda sakovitz says
    I usually just make smoothies for myself. I like to put fruit in them or go the chocolate route.
  30. tina reynolds says
    I love smoothies my hubby and kids get so excited when I make them
  31. Love smoothies, I like adding bananas, peanut butter, honey and flax seed.
  32. I make them for my daughter most mornings with bananas and blueberries with some agave syrup and greek yogurt!
  33. Elizabeth Kariuki says
    I love making smoothies in the morning, it's a great way to save fruit that is on its way out. My favorite ingredients are banana, strawberry, spinach and blueberries.
  34. Karen Gonyea says
    We love Mango and coconut in our smoothies.
  35. I do make smoothies some mornings. A banana in the smoothie is a must!
  36. Laurie Emerson says
    I make them for my daughter and myself each morning. I like to make banana and strawberry ones as well as pineapple and kiwi smoothies.

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